Do binário ao unitário: Miêtta Santiago e a transpoesia


  • Luiz Antônio PAGANINI
  • Nilze PAGANINI


Miêtta Santiago, feminist, ontological-epistemological binarism, libertarian poetry


This article focuses on the book As 7 poesias in correlation with the essay Uma consciência unitária para a humanidade, both published in 1981 by the intellectual and feminist Miêtta Santiago (1903-1995). In them, the writer adopted a prophetic-utopian posture expressing a wish to go beyond the ontological-epistemological binarism of the Western tradition, questioning the historical divisions, the cultural rules of gender and the established identities. She intended to indicate an overcoming of the limitations and an idea of continual transience of the human being. Undoubtedly, her poetry has a libertarian character and thematizes the deconditioning of the poet and of the humanity.


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