Seven: a manipulação do perverso em nome da lei


  • Natanael Duarte Azevedo Universidade Federal da paraíba


Literature, Psychoanalysis, Cinema, Perversion, Seven


This present article provides a discussion of the literary studies of adaptation taking into account the effects of meaning resulting from the literary canon and from the psychoanalysis studies. We observed in the movie Seven, by David Fincher, the possibility of reading the acts of the character John Doe as if they were distinctive of perversion. Our goal is to demonstrate how the actions of the serial killer can reveal unconscious movements which are motivated by the desire seeking to infer, from the crimes committed by the murderer, the unconsciousmovements that reveal the redirection of the desire to objectification of the victims. We observed in our research the intrinsic relationship between the voyeuracts and the sadistic acts motivated by the religious condition that controls the crimes bymeans of the purification of the deadly sins. Therefore, reading the movie Seven as an adaptation based on source-texts that works with the themes sin and transgression of the law, we can observe that the way the movie was build (specially the crimes committed by John Doe) reveals an (re)interpretation of the texts about the deadly sins and about the clinic perversion.


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