No fim, o gato e eu: abandono e solidão em As horas nuas de Lygia Fagundes Telles


  • Maria Aparecida da COSTA UERN


As horas nuas, ageing, Loneliness


The writer Lygia Fagundes Telles points out in her work that she is connected to literary aesthetic without missing connection to her time and, consequently, its social transfor-mation. This can be observed on her novel As horas nuas (1989), which brings im-portant questions to the her as a writer, for example the human abandonment, frustrated love, and, therefore, loneliness. Thereby, this study attempts to understand how the pro-cess of aging reflects on the work of the main character of the novel, Rosa Ambrósio, as an actress – a cruel profession which very often youth is highly valued. It also analyses how the main character deals with loneliness and the fact of being left by her lover and her family.


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