Alfredo Gallis, the forgotten pornographer


  • Aline Moreira DUARTE UERJ


Nineteenth century, Pornographic literature, Alfredo Gallis


At the end of the nineteenth century in Brazil, starting in 1880, there was a significant increase in the interest of the public and booksellers for licentious works. To meet this demand, many writers started to create narratives that, under the scientific vogue of naturalism, put the body and sexual desire in question in order to expose the hypocrisies of bourgeois society. The naturalist Portuguese writer Joaquim Alfredo Gallis (1859-1910) was forgotten by literary historiography precisely for having been "stained" with pornographic literature. In this study, besides introducing the illustrious, but forgotten, Alfredo Gallis, we intend to produce a new knowledge about the licentious literature of the late nineteenth century, taking as object of study one of the best known pornographic authors of the period.


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