The reflexive creation of eroticism in the lyric writting of Adélia Prado


  • Amanda Ramalho de Freitas BRITO UNEAL
  • Hermano de França RODRIGUES UFPB


Eroticism, Poetry, Reflexivity


This article analyzes the metapoetic construction (reflexivity) of the eroticism in Adélia Prado, with the aim of investigating how the sacred becomes a constitutive part of the body-poem. This idea was discussed through the analysis of the text Festa do corpo de Deus. Our reading is mainly based on the theoretical discussions of Bataille (2014), who thinks the erotic construction in its aspect of contemplation and poetic meditation, as a mechanism that locates the being consciously in the universe, since it makes known the necessary transgression to the discontinuity of the life.


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