The interlace of bodies: notes on eroticism in Osman Lins’ Avalovara


  • José Helber Tavares de ARAÚJO UEPB


Osman Lins, Avalovara, Theodor Adorno, Critical theory, Contemporary novel


This article is a proposal of critical investigation of the novel Avalovara (1973), by Osman Lins. We will analyze the novel by Osman Lins seeking to comprehend how its structural constitution with fragmentary aspect produces a movement of thematic tension in which certain types of violence that implicate into suffering are replaced by an erotic transgression that intermediates an attitude of autonomy and authenticity of the characters. Our intention is to understand that the use of the technique of the stream of consciousness, as a manner of being acquainted about what is going on in the characters’ mind, give us condition to perceive with a wider perspective that in the interior of the individual exists a dialectic insistence in exposing the negativity of the concepts about the erotic world in which one experiences, evading from a positive and ontological objectivity in favor of a negative heterogeneity of the conscience of being in the world.


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