Adélia Prado and the beauty of the bodies


  • Maria Aparecida FONTES Università Degli Studi di Padova


Nudity, Theological Signature, Eroticism and Love, Poetry


One of the strategies of the Adelia's discourse poetic consists in the denudation of the human body and of the body of Christ. It is an erotic-political dynamic that seeks to rethink the theocentric inheritances and cultural representations, which brings up the feminine experiences of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. From this perspective this article aims to return to the decisive moment of the construction of theological device that separated the “nature/nudity” of “grace/dress”, showing that by attempting to disclose and deactivate the theological signature that determined, in our culture, the concept of ‘nudity’ in exclusively privative terms, Adélia Prado provides some instruments to rethink of life’s nudity in the divine ban, and builds a poetic work that allows to reveal the erotic and loving experiences of the body, as representations and contemplation of power, through the beauty and the poetry.


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