Paradise and utopia: Visions of the Knight Tondal (1475) in counterpoint with futuristic dystopias


  • Adriana ZIERER UEMA


Utopia, Visions of the Knight Tondal, Dystopias, Metropolis


For men and women of the Middle Ages, going to Paradise after death was the main purpose, which is why this place can be considered a utopia par excellence, space at the same time, physical and spiritual of happiness and well-being. According to Le Goff (2002, p. 21), after the resurrection, which occurs at the end of the world, the "good ones" live eternally in a place of delights, Paradise. But to reach this place, humans must refrain from sinning in the earthly world. Thus, the place of plenitude is directly opposed to Hell, the site of eternal punishments. In order to keep out the individuals from there, many narratives were composed, among which the voyages to the Beyond-grave. Visio Tnugdali (Vision of Tnugdal) is the best known of the visionary narratives and it had greater diffusion from the centuries XII to XVI . In this article a reflection on the utopia in Paradise is made in the Visions du Chevalier Tondal, produced in the 15th century, with illuminations by Simon Marmion, in counterpoint with some dystopias, especially Fritz Lang's 1924 film Metropolis. Even in the futuristic city of that film are shown elements of Paradise and Hell, with analogies to the Christian representation. Visio Tnugdali through the idea of Paradise as utopian space, as well as current dystopias, help us to reflect on the better and more just society we want.


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