Medieval ages are here


  • Roberto PONTES UFC


Medieval roots, Brazilian Culture, Crystallization, Residualidade, Cultural Hybridization


This communication exposes how it is possible to proceed with the study of medieval roots of the Brazilian culture, in particular the northeastern region, in the absence of a Middle Age of which we were not participants, by being an age that coursed to the wide history of an inexistent Brazilian nation. For this purpose, our work will focus, some residual aspects of the medieval culture due to the Arabians that crystallize themselves throughout unique processes and nowadays represent a third hybrid character: the Brazilian culture. We will develop the work based on researches of the Catalan former professor of the federal universities of Pernambuco, Paraíba and UDESC in Florianópolis, Luis Soler, author of As raízes árabes na tradição poético-musica do sertão nordestino (Recife: Editora Universitária da UFPE, 1978) and Origens árabes no folclore do sertão brasileiro (Florianópolis: Editora UFSC, 1995).


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