Poetics of the iconotext: in-between place for text and image in Pathé-Baby, by António de Alcântara Machado


  • Lucas da Cunha Zamberlan UFSM


Pathé-Baby, António de Alcântara Machado, Iconotext, Intermidiality, Modernism


This work aims to analyze the interrelations between image and text in the book Pathé-Baby (1926) by António de Alcântara Machado. Therefore, we selected a theoretical contribution from the studies on intermidiality, based on the concept of iconotext proposed by Liliane Louvel in Poetics of the iconotext (2006) and Nuances du pictural (2012). Considering the results, the imaginary potential provided by verbal discourse and in particular the varying degrees of pictoriality in the descriptions of the work are evaluated in a general way, which characterizes, in an intricate way, the flowering of a poetics of the iconotext in the narrative.


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Author Biography

Lucas da Cunha Zamberlan, UFSM

Doutor em Letras – Estudos Literários – pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). E-mail: lucaszamberlan@yahoo.com.br


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