Literature schooling: a look at school practices


  • Maria Aparecida Lopes Rossi UFGO


s literature, Schooling, School Practices, Reading


This paper problematizes research data carried out with the objective of discussing schooling
of different genres of texts used in fifth and sixth years of elementary school (ROSSI, 2010), as observed
in public-school teachers’ practices. Discussions are anchored on schooling of fables and a literary
chronicle, departing from the concept of schooling itself, going through the problematization of the term
schooling of literature to, finally, approach classroom practices. Discussion of the concepts of schooling
and schooling of literature are based on Soares (2003, 2006), Saraiva (2001) Arena (2010), Zilbermann
(1987) and Miguez (2003) and Batista (2004). Schooling is here understood as the result of the
submission of a certain knowledge to school teaching. Literature schooling is understood as Miguez
(2003), who argues that reading of literature should not be understood and manipulated as a school task,
but as an aesthetic experience that manifests itself in the pleasure of seeing, reading and discovering the
world through literature. Results show what Soares considers inadequate schooling of literature by the
school, when reading is neither directed to the expression resources used nor to the perception of the
aesthetic use of the language nor to the comprehension of the world view and the context in which they
are inserted.


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Author Biography

Maria Aparecida Lopes Rossi, UFGO

Professora adjunta da Universidade Federal de Goiás/Regional Catalão. Doutorado em Educação pela UNB.


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