Creativity and censorship in translation: a study of Consider the lilies of the field (1947), translated by Jean Neel Karnoff



Brazilian literature, translation project, Jean Neel Karnoff, Erico Verissimo, Consider the lilies of the field


Erico Verissimo’s novels translated into English boomed in the 1940s thanks to the US State Department subsidies to the Office of the Coordinator of Interamerican Affairs (OCIAA), an agency established in 1941 to strengthen the bonds between the USA and Latin American countries during the Second World War (1939-1945). Besides the national success, his novels could reach a new audience, this time in English, but very little is known about the translators who rendered his novels into English. Therefore, in this article, I intend to reconstitute part of Jean Neel Karnoff’s trajectory, translator of Olhai os lírios do campo (1938) into English and to present a comparison of her translation entitled Consider the lilies of the field (1947), by analyzing the changes done in the translation so it could be conformed to the new literary system norms. I will also examine the creativity in Jean Neel Karnoff’s choices and some aspects of moral censorship that was necessary to be made in the text so it could circulate in the United States at that time.


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Author Biography

Eliza Mitiyo Morinaka, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Atua no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura e Cultura e na Graduação em Letras do Instituto de Letras nas áreas de literaturas de língua inglesa e Estudos da Tradução.


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