Patricio Pron, O espírito dos meus pais continua a subir na chuva, fiction, archive, anarchiveAbstract
A post-dictatorial generation of writers, children of those who fought against the Argentine military dictatorship, proposes a model of discourse that inhabits the threshold space between the archive and fiction, rejecting totalizing notions to resist silence and recover silent voices. This article investigates how O espírito dos meus pais continua a subir na chuva (2018), by Argentinean Patricio Pron, deconstructs the official dictatorial discourse, opening it to alternative meanings. The central argument is that the novel employs the concept of anarchiving (Antelo, 2007), which, by disrupting the order and the rationale of the archive, enables new possibilities for its configuration. Anarchiving can be unsderstood as an operation that deactivates the archive, rendering it inoperative (Agamben, 2007), and thus open to new uses in literary fiction. The research is grounded in Raul Antelo (2007) regarding the activity of anarchiving and in the archive concepts of Jacques Derrida (2001) and Michel Foucault (2008). Within the narrative, documents are glimpsed that are not only offered to be interpreted, but also to be experienced and given new meanings. In this countermovement to the archive, which undermines the falsely natural development of narratives, there are the speeches repressed and silenced by official history.
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