Perdoa-me por me traíres e os territórios da masculinidade


  • Elton Bruno Soares de Siqueira


Dramaturgy, Masculinity, Alterity


This paper is part of our research on the representations of masculinity in Brazilian dramaturgy. Departing from the assumption that the literary work constitutes a discursive practice and, as such, it transmits ideologies and contributes to build or to question certain social representations through aesthetic resources, we will attempt in this article to analyze what sort of discursive resources, in Nelson Rodrigues' play Perdoa-me por me traíres, contribute to create masculine alterities. We will attempt as well to interpret how those alterities attest the crisis of the male paradigms. For these purposes, our work is supported by the Discourse Analysis approach, in Maingueneau (2005); and by Paterson's (2004) contribution for the treatment of alterity in the literary text.


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