Vol. 21 No. 2 (2019): Poetry, historiographic review and authorship

					View Vol. 21 No. 2 (2019): Poetry, historiographic review and authorship

This dossier aims to bring together studies that propose a review of Brazilian literary historiography, especially with regard to the poetic discourse. In general, this type of approach is delegated to the reflection on historical perspectives or to the delineation sketched by historians, when it is not left to primary sources in the direct collation of archives. Without disregarding such analytical procedures, it would also be appropriate to speculate on the constitution of the author's persona in the face of such reading expedients, whether its historiographical or editorial reception in comparison with the primary sources, or the one seen in the first editions or in the respective paratexts: cover, preface, illustrations, printings, dedications, epigraphs and everything else that can shed new light on the subject. Thus, considering that poetry is, par excellence, the literary genre in which subjectivity is most pronounced, it is of interest to investigate how the author construes himself/herself in this instance, as well as the artifacts he manipulates and that are not always considered on the occasion of his systematized reading, both critically and historiographically.

This issue was supported by the Research Support Foundation (FAPESQ), Grant Term No. 045/2019.


Published: 2020-01-11
