About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Temas em Educação magazine prioritizes unpublished collaborations.

Translations submitted for publication must be accompanied by written permission from the author of the original work and the editor.

The concepts and opinions issued by the authors are their exclusive responsibility.

Submissions, newsletters, are appreciated by editors to ensure academic and professional standards. After this pre-selection, articles are required from two reviewers from different institutional affiliations.

The originals received are perfected for the appreciation of the Commission and / or required ad hoc, leaving the final decision of the publication of the originals to the editors, adopting, in any circumstance, the double blind peer review system.

The originals must comply with the specific rules of the section they are intended for. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the simultaneous work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows sharing of the work with recognition of the authorship of the work and initial publication in this magazine.

The originals can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French or Italian.

The Editor reserves the right to introduce changes in the originals, of a normative, orthographic and grammatical order, in order to maintain the homogeneity and quality of the publication, respecting the style and as notification of the authors, without the need to submit these changes for approval. of the authors.

The Revista Temas em Educação can publish thematic issues or which condense technical works in technical-scientific events within the scope of the PPGE.

ISSN: 0104-2777 (Print version)

eISSN: 2359-7003 (Online version)


Peer Review Process

The publication of articles is subject to the opinions of members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc collaborators. The evaluation will be carried out by doubly blind peers, carried out without identifying the authors or the evaluated ones, through the analysis of two referees from the area related to the problem addressed. In case of disagreements, a third referee will be consulted. Manuscripts will be accepted with the approval of at least two favorable components. A notification about the final opinion must be sent and, in case of seeming to present the requirements, the author will have a deadline stipulated by the responsible editor to send the changes, analyzed according to the demands. Automatic submission will automatically be considered non-publishable if the agreed deadlines are not met.



Four-monthly publication (January-April; May-August; September-December). Each issue will be published after the evaluation, editing and editing process, with provision for continuous inclusion and once the summary, revision and final formatting of the files has been completed.


Open Access Policy

This Temas em Educação magazine offers immediate free access to content, following the principle that making public knowledge available to the public free of charge offers greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

RTE does not charge fees or charges for submission, review and publication.

Readers are allowed to read, download, print and distribute the articles in this journal.


Ethics Committee

Articles published in the magazine Temas em Educação that have their research submitted to protocols of Ethics Committees of the institution where the study was conducted, must indicate this information and provide a copy of the approval document. We recommend reading the "Ethical Conduct" tab on the RTE homepage.


Plagiarism Detection Policy

The journal is registered on the basis of iThenticat and uses its software to detect plagiarism in manuscripts for evaluation.


Digital Preservation Policy

Revista Temas em Educação is aware of the importance of access and long-term conservation of registered content. The preservation procedures are linked to the Cariniana Network.


Dossier publication policy

The Revista Temas em Educação publishes a central thematic dossier coordinated by renowned researchers from Brazilian and foreign universities, following invitations from the editors or in a selection process governed by public notice and research on the magazine's platform.

The manuscripts are filled in for double-blind evaluation by pairs chosen according to proven knowledge in the area of ​​the article.

The rules for submitting dossiers can be found in the Guidelines for Authors.


Acknowledgments / Financing

We are grateful to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research (PRPG) for the academic institutional conditions made possible for the realization of the Revista Temas em Educação Online.