


Biopower, Cultural Studies, Cinema, Stereotyping, Body without Organs


In this article, we seek to dialogue with the Brazilian film "O Dia em Dorival Encarou a Guarda" (1986), directed by Jorge Furtado and José Pedro Goulart, aiming to understand the processes of signification around racial difference and what it can tell us about the notion of stereotyping as a politics of representation. Using “screen ethnography” (RIAL, 2004; BALESTRIN & SOARES, 2011), we bring to the debate the foucaultian problematizations about biopower, in which the function of racism is to regulate the distribution of death and make possible the functions of the State by dividing the bodies that must die and those that must live. Thus, we dialogue with Cultural Studies in Education, highlighting the concept of “stereotyping” (HALL, 2016), as well as showing, in the light of reflections on “Body without Organs” (DELEUZE & GUATTARI, 2011) and “utopian body” (FOUCAULT , 2014), the assemblages produced in a new resistance policy in the face of subjectification processes systematized by the State, according to the narrative of the short film. Thus, we understand that it is in the fight against the Organism that he inserts the framework in his life, amid a smile that subtly announces the refreshment of his conquest, that Dorival produces destabilizing powers full of life.


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Author Biographies

Alcidesio Oliveira da Silva Junior, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Master's student in Education at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, member of the Research Group in Cultural Studies and Art / Education (GPCAE) and the Laboratory of Experience, Visuality and Education (LEVE / UFPE). ORCID: Email:

Ana Paula Abrahamian de Souza, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Adjunct Professor in the Education Department at the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Vice-Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Education, Cultures and Identities (PPGECI-UFRPE / FUNDAJ) and Coordinator of the Research Group in Cultural Studies and Art / Education (GPCAE). ORCID: Email:

Fabiana Souto Lima Vidal, College of Application/Federal University of Pernambuco

Professor of Visual Arts at the College of Application at UFPE. Vice-coordinator of the Associated Graduate Program in Visual Arts UFPE / UFPB. Member of the Network of Representatives of the Federation of Art / Educators of Brazil - FAEB / PE - (biennium 2019-2020). Leader of the Research Group on Cultural Studies and Art / Education (GPECAE). ORCID: Email:


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA DA SILVA JUNIOR, A.; ABRAHAMIAN DE SOUZA, A. P.; SOUTO LIMA VIDAL, F. SUFFOCATING BODY: CULTURE, BIOPOWER AND STEREOTYPING IN THE SHORT FILM “O DIA EM QUE DORIVAL ENCAROU A GUARDA&quot;. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2020v29n2.51327. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.




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