Sustainable aquaculture as an alternative way to minimize impacts of this production in fisherman communities
Among the current environmental problems, we can mention the high commercial exploitation of aquatic resources and high production of waste. Consequently, research, aiming the sustainable development, have been well accepted. Thus, it is proposed in this paper, the reuse of organic household solid waste by Penha community, for plankton production, which in turn can be used in aquaculture. Thus, the aim of this work was to give to the fishermen a new income opportunity, improving their quality of life and teach the community to recycle organic waste. It was observed that the use of extract organic compound can be used successfully in micro algal cultures, especially in large-scale production (400L) of the microalga Dunaliella marina. Although D. marina was added to the culture, other algal species grown together. The community of Penha showed interest in participate in the aquaculture activities shown, revealing the importance of the extent programs of UFPB.Downloads
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How to Cite
OLIVEIRA, F. M. F.; CRISPIM, M. C. Sustainable aquaculture as an alternative way to minimize impacts of this production in fisherman communities. Gaia Scientia, [S. l.], 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.
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