
  • Ana Laura Jales Pinheiro Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).
  • Eliene Chaves Gurgel Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).
  • Lusia Leite Cavalcante de Sousa Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).


Jurisdição. Inteligência Artificial. Direito Autoral. Consequências. Legislação.


Technological innovations have brought to light a series of mechanisms never before imagined by the human intellect, such as the issue of artificial intelligence. This new perspective, even though it reverberates countless benefits, opportunities and challenges, also represents a new space for discussion, especially with regard to productions and copyright. In this vein, the present work analyzes the historical and conceptual aspects related to AI, developing a study around topics such as technologies and contemporaneity. Furthermore, it also discusses intellectual property and Brazilian jurisdiction, such as the Intellectual Property Law, the Copyright Law and the Software Law. Then, the consequences arising from technological interference in copyright were discussed, such as the hypothesis of creating a technological legal personality or a sui generis right, and its impacts on everyday life. The respective writing aims to analyze the influence of artificial intelligence in the area of ​​copyright, as well as to find out how Brazilian legislation behaves in the face of this reality. Finally, it should be noted that this article was developed based on the exploratory method, bringing together bibliographical and documental research, seeking to identify the theoretical bases related to the subject. It is concluded that the Brazilian legal framework needs more efficient mechanisms to protect and regulate the growing use of AI.


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How to Cite

Jales Pinheiro, A. L., Chaves Gurgel, E., & Leite Cavalcante de Sousa, L. (2024). O PAPEL DA JURISDIÇÃO BRASILEIRA FRENTE A FRAGMENTAÇÃO DO DIREITO AUTORAL FOMENTADO PELAS INTELIGÊNCIAS ARTIFICIAIS (IAs). Revista Ratio Iuris, 3(1), 108–119. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/rri/article/view/69053