The contradiction between good and evil in human essence and reconciliation in the philosophy of the hegelian religion




Philosophy of Religion, Duality Good and Evil , Contradiction and Reconciliation, Reform and Revolution


The research explains the contradiction between good and evil subsisting in the human essence in the natural/spiritual duality, and, at the same time, the reconciliation proposed by Hegel in his Philosophy of Religion when dealing with consummate religion. What is the Hegelian strategy for resolving the contradiction implicit in human duality? It is a matter of explaining the logic of abstract freedom enclosed in being for oneself and the logic of the supersumption of evil in the divine concept of reconciliation. First, the opposition in the human essence is reconstructed through the narrative of the fall described in the book of Genesis; then, the overcoming of this opposition in the incarnation of the Son of God that brings about reconciliation through the singularity of the divine spirit and intersubjective objectivity in the community; finally, we point out the criticisms of the Hegelian Philosophy of Religion in post-Hegelian philosophy and theology, in which Marx's metaphysical-religious roots in the criticism of Hegel and religion remain, at the same time. We highlight the Marxian conception of the human being as a natural-spiritual essence that is primarily concerned with their material reproductive needs, that is, a liberated society takes care of the material bases of human life. Only then does the working human being find reconciliation in society. Updating the philosophy of religion debate is a challenge to face the growing religious fundamentalism that legitimizes human irrationalities and delays in civilizational achievements at all levels.


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Author Biographies

Agemir Bavaresco, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Professor of Post-Graduation Program of Philosophy PUCRS/Brazil, Research Associate: Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (ACEPS)

Christian Iber, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul

Professor Universität Freiburg; Pesquisador Freie Universität Berlin


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How to Cite

Bavaresco, A., & Iber, C. (2022). The contradiction between good and evil in human essence and reconciliation in the philosophy of the hegelian religion. Aufklärung, 9(esp), p.11–32.