The female under (and over) a male society: poetic traits of Alice Ruiz


  • Robson Coelho TINOCO
  • Marília de Alexandria CRUZ


Genre, poetry, society, modernity


In Brazil, around the 1970's, the most effective production of so-called “female literature”, beside to the boom of the child literature (with a growing literature with the black theme) it is despite, some critical to consider this production as feminist. In this initial framework, Alice Ruiz is as concerned about the poet already inevitable of the socio-historic metamorphosis man-woman, one of the marks of time. To her does not matter, or to ask if this literature deals with the literature highlight women as better or worse than the “male”, but in his view, it gives the construction of such literary structure. Indeed more than that, to her interest the innovative praxis of poetic creation, before the simple exegesis formatted in academic theories suggest that, although properly in general, as “female characteristics” the trend – almost mandatory – to impregnate the word written with elements of orality, the search for the word fragmented, the thematic focus very focused on the issue. Ruiz, besides these tendencies at best outmoded, uses a direct simplicity of a text sharply quotidian, bluntly erotic, restlessly transgressive.


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