The critical reception of Wuthering Heights: issues of women and literature


  • Daise Lilian Fonseca DIAS


Women, novel, literary criticism, reception


The central objective of this paper is to analyze the critical reception of Wuthering Heights (1847), by the English writer Emily Brontë, since its first impressions - which caused revolt in the English society of the 19th century – to the present. This paper will deal with the historical context in which the novel was produced concerning issues related to women writers; the writing of prose and poetry; the double standard of the androcentric literary criticism of the time in relation to works written by women, mainly regarding the only novel by Brontë, which was published under a male pseudonymous, among other aspects. It will be also debated the way this work is seen under the lights of theories that analyze the form and content of the novel, such as, the New Criticism, the feminist, the postcolonial, the marxist, among others.


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