Hölderlin (re)traduzido no Brasil: Constelações poético-tradutórias, acontecimentos




Friedrich Hölderlin, Antonio Cicero, Retranslation, Brazilian translator-poets


This article is part of a broader research for the development of a doctoral thesis (2015), enriched with new contributions and reflections. It focuses on the last retranslation – in chronological terms, the latest – of Friedrich Hölderlin’s "Hyperions Schicksalslied" by Antonio Cicero, concluding (provisionally) the sequence of (re)translations so far carried out by the poet-translators Manuel Bandeira, Mario Faustino, Marco Lucchesi, José Paulo Paes and Antonio Medina Rodrigues. Examining not only the retranslation proposed by Cicero to such fundamental poem by Hölderlin, but also other hölderlinian line of poets with whom he served, we can discuss the "hypothesis of translation" of Antoine Berman (1990), as well as the critique that it raised (cf. Gambier 2011, among others). Finally, it is shown also possible to relate translational choices by Antonio Cicero with his own lyric work, and his dealings with world poetry by different authors and diverse origins, as one can follow the blog Acontecimentos, which holds nearly a decade ago. There, Cicero shows, debates, feeds reflection on poetry (among other topics). The electronic support confers new dynamic to (re)translation works, in that it offers space for interaction with its readership. With these elements, we can map with Antonio Cicero once poetic-translational constellation in the inexhaustible universe of the pratices of translation, critique and creation.


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