Advertising, adaptation and transmedia: narrative composition of the Brazilian children cinema in the late 1980s


  • Rafael José Bona FURBI/UNIVALI


Advertising, Adaptation, Transmedia, Cinema, Os Trapalhões


The paper aims to analyze a national children's movie, representative of the profile of films of the late 1980s: O casamento dos Trapalhões (1988, José Alvarenga Júnior). The specific objectives are: to identify the movie references from the point of view of the transposition/adaptation; to analyze the advertising inserted in the movie; and to identify transmedia elements in the work. It is assumed that most of the movies of the former humorous group Os Trapalhões, besides introducing the young spectators to the contact with other works, also practiced an advertising exercise and they used techniques of transmedia and adaptation. The work is analyzed, mainly, through concepts of Seger (2007), Jenkins (2009) and Hutcheon (2013). The results show that the movie makes an allusive adaptation to a US film from the 1950s (Seven brides for seven brothers, Stanley Donen, 1954), inserts advertising into the narrative context (in)discreetly and its main transmedia technique is related to the nexus with the television and comics characters from the group Os Trapalhões.


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