Feminine identities and stereotypes in “Mosotras que nos queremos tanto”, by Marcela Serrano


  • Ângela Paula Nunes Ferreira UFPB
  • Cristina Bongestab UFPB


Serrano, Romance, Chile, Resistance, Feminist


The contemporary Chilean writer Marcela Serrano has a vast work that presents as a common point the fact of presenting women protagonists from feminist discourses. Considering the importance of her work in the Latin American context, in this article, we propose to carry out, in the light of the Feminist Criticism and Cultural Studies, a reading of the narrative “Nosotras que nos queremos tanto”, trying to examine how this work is constituted in form of resistance to gender inequality in our continent. In order to do so, we seek to verify how the representation of women and gender relations is manifested in the narrative of the writer, highlighting how, in these spaces, discourses are used to resist a patriarchal and sexist culture that justifies and perpetuates intolerant practices in relation to women. The methodology used consists of analytic-discursive reading of the narrative, which requires a revision of the theory of Cultural Studies and Feminist Criticism. In the work, the author presents four female characters, Ana, Sara, Isabel and Maria, who are characterized by identities and stereotypes linked to the feminine universe, deconstructing sexist and stereotyped discourses in relation to women, which for many centuries were present in traditional literary discourses. Thus, we can affirm that the narrative is constituted from feminist and resistance discourses to the androcentric model that has been in force for centuries in our society, extending to the literary field, responsible for violence and oppression against women.


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Author Biographies

Ângela Paula Nunes Ferreira, UFPB

Doutoranda em Linguística pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Cristina Bongestab, UFPB

Doutora em Letras Neolatinas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Professora efetiva de Língua Espanhola da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


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