Literary reading in the classroom: reading strategies and the literacy process


  • Joice Ribeiro Machado da Silva UFU


Reading, Reading Strategy, s literature, Literacy


Revisiting the teaching of reading in literacy classes has recently become our subject of
research. In this sense, we have sought to break with some misleading practices to teach reading, such
as the traditional questions of interpretation and decoding texts. For this, we are guided by a perspective
that considers the reader as an active subject, which interacts with the text and the context in a dialogical
process. We find in our studies two important references that help us in this journey, namely: reading
strategies (HARVEY, GOUDVIS, 2007) and the discovery of text (BAJARD, 2012). The focus of this
article is to present the work developed with reading strategies in a 1st grade class in the year 2018.
Using children's literature as a priority, we created, along with the children in the class, a logbook with
activities which involve reading strategies. Named for them as 'My Literary Album', we went throughout
the school year, filing the graphics organizers used in each strategy taught. We believe that in order to
consolidate the literacy process, it is necessary to encourage the reading of children's literature, and to
create methodological opportunities for children to learn to read literature. In this way, we find in the
proposal of reading strategies an effective possibility to explore children's literature in the classroom.
Results show that the construction of the album made it possible to highlight the organizing charts and
the participation of the children during the elaboration of the material. In addition, it has become a
support material for future analyzes of how learners are dealing with literature and how some strategies
have been consolidated during the systematization of the work.


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Author Biography

Joice Ribeiro Machado da Silva, UFU

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Docente da Escola de Educação Básica (ESEBA) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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