A aglutinação sintática discursiva e o adjunto adverbial “com o martelo”: uma abordagem enunciativa


  • Fabíola Nóbrega


Grammar, agglutination, syntax, adverbial adjunct and speech


Wrapped up by uncertain intrigues from definitions regarding agglutination, which is a formation process of words, it is considered that this phenomenon has been mentioned starting from phonological and morphologic fields. Nevertheless, according to our point of view, approaching it strictly from such inclinations summarizes its potentiality and nuances, since the discursive aspects, which are characteristic of language, are poorly explained. So, this work in evidence intends to re-define the focused process, according to Bakhtin’s enunciative theory, associating it to the Portuguese Language syntactic field. In order to do so, syntactic agglutination possibility in the adverbial adjunct was analyzed, in thirty (30) journalistic articles, published in CD ROMs from Folha de São Paulo – Edition (99 and 2000) and in auxiliary constructions (several statements) with the purpose of confronting distinctive theoretical points of view and also to understand what makes possible syntactic agglutination and/or de-agglutination in such articles. The intended work will establish, then, a dialogue among distinctive areas: phonology, morphology, syntax and speech theories. This dialogue will aim to re-design, according to Bakhtin’s theory, a grammatical aspect (agglutination), enlarging the applicability of socialinteractionist theoretical basis. This way, a discursive theoretical alternative will be presented to agglutination definitions, which are present in grammars and can be taken as a manual that permeates our learning circuits. Such study aims, therefore, to enlarge this phenomenon conceptual horizon.


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