Do buraco negro ao castelo maluco: o herói moderno desnuda o espaço social do conto Shrek!, de William Steig


  • Edvânea Maria da Silva


Shrek, modern hero, social space, alienation, contemporary society


This work analyzes the social space at Shrek! (2001), a modern fairy tale, created by William Steig. First, we observe the relevance of the environment where the protagonist lived, as well as the path that the (anti-) hero made to the crazy castle to discover the (false) harmony of the social space, disclosing uncritical, mechanical manner caracters act. From the play “world of fantasy” and “world of reality”, it’s possible to understand the critic to the contemporary society We believe, however, that few brazilian readers know the text literary that generated the adaptations Shrek (2001) and Shrek 2 (2004); therefore, in order to become this more useful discussion, we consider, initially, a paraphrase of the Steig’s story.


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