


Curriculum, Degree in History, FFSD


This article presents some of de curricular changes made in the History course at the Faculty of Philosophy Santa Dorotéia (FFSD), between 2001-2009, relating these changes to the educational policies of to the area of curriculum and teacher training, in force in our country, in the time period under analysis. With a theoretical-epistemological-methodological focus on research in/of/with everyday life, we can say that it challenges the hegemonic academic rules in relation to research in Education, curriculum and teacher training, caring not only for documents and standards, but also with everyday events. The text dialogues with the actions affectively developed by curriculum practitioners who worked at the institution, teachers and students. Using the notion of Curriculum as Everyday Creation, the doctoral research at the origin of this is embodied as a qualitative research. The education institution has dedicated itself for years to teacher, through the offering of various undergraduate courses, including a degree in History. In addition, throughout the text we weave relationships between the curriculum structure of the degree in History of FFSD and teacher training in the area, in general, and the curricula practiced by its teachers in particular. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to dialogue with diverse sources, with emphasis on documentary and bibliographic ones, addressing issues involving the curriculum of the degree in History, its practitioners and its relationship with the formation of teachers of this discipline in Santa Dorotéia.



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Author Biographies

Aline Nunes Ferreirinha de Souza, Estácio de Sá University, Brazil.

PhD student in education at Estácio de Sá University, professor at CEJA Pedro Américo and Technician in Educational Affairs at Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, Rio de Janeiro State University and Estácio de Sá University, Brazil.

PhD in Sciences Et Théories de L'éducation - Université de Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg. Full professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and adjunct professor in the Graduate Program in Education at the Estácio de Sá University.



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How to Cite

NUNES FERREIRINHA DE SOUZA, A.; BARBOSA DE OLIVEIRA, I. PRATICED AN OFICIAL CURRICULAONTEACHERS’ EDUCATION IN HISTORY IN THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY SANTA DOROTEIA. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 3, p. 487–501, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2020v13n3.54568. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.