Black Cinema, Teacher Training, Multicultural Paradigm, Decolonial PedagogyAbstract
Abstract: This article aims to present the reconstruction of other knowledge in the Pedagogy course through the black cinema of Zózimo Bulbul by proposing the exhibition and production of activities based on the film Alma no Olho. The theoretical foundation was supported by the Multicultural Paradigm and Decolonial Pedagogies in order to develop knowledge for the diversities enunciated by the participating teacher and students. The methodologies used were Action Research and Creative Analysis. In the end, the investigation showed the construction of knowledge provided by the corporeal, aesthetic and historical interrelationships of the film with the perceptions and experiences of the students.
ALMA no olho. Direção: Zózimo Bulbul. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1974. 12 min
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