in the mira(ge) of a polytechnic education?
Teacher training, Polytechnic Education, Curriculum Acts, OmnilateralityAbstract
Departing from the political-pedagogical assumption of defending professional training from the concept of polytechnic education, this work, by conceiving initial teacher training as a privileged space for implementing an education for the emancipation and autonomy of the human being, is organized in two parts: in the first, the centrality of understanding polytechnic education and the curriculum and its actions is discussed as a subsumption of a societal project that breaks the limits of capital. In the second part, empirical data from interviews and semi-open questionnaires answered by professors of undergraduate courses at the Federal Institute of Goiás are discussed, as well as the training objectives circumscribed in their respective pedagogical projects. In summary, the discussion of the data produced from the category "(re)preparation of the curriculum" shows five acts, two of which three are proximal (and therefore in the crosshairs) of the educational assumptions of the polytechnic perspective, and the other two, distal (in the mirage), as they reveal the supporting involvement of part of the teachers who are not part of the Structuring Teachers Nucleus, perhaps, as well as the participation of students, workers-teachers in the initial training process.
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