BNCC, State of Bahia curriculum, Education policiesAbstract
Theories of curriculum are important basis to determinate purposes and projections about the school and all the objects and subjects that compose it. This article aims to analyze how theories of curriculum are disseminated in Brazilian educational documents, more specifically, in the Brazilian National Common Core Curriculum (Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC) and in the State of Bahia Reference Curriculum Document (Documento Curricular Referencial da Bahia - DCRB). Hence, the Policy Cycle approach by Stephen Ball and collaborators was used as a method of analysis of the aforementioned policies. Thus, it was possible to discern the influences of the three theories of curriculum (traditional, critical and post-critical) in the texts of educational documents, which advise the production of school curriculum. The results show a tendency for BNCC to be based on traditional theory and, sometimes, on critical theory; while the DCRB has a curricular perspective more focused on critical and post-critical theories. It is important to consider that the DCRB is a secondary text of the BNCC; even so, it presents some elements that diverge from the national policy.
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