news and multileteracy for impossible subjects
Discourse Theory, Hegemony, Subject, BNCC, Portuguese languageAbstract
The article proposes the notion of hegemony, reconceptualized by Laclau and Mouffe, arguing that it allows the compendium of prescriptive and universalist propositions in curricular policy. Return to the regulatory focus of the BNCC, putting into dispute the disputes over meaning triggered by the reiteration of new terms and multiliteracies in the Portuguese Language in the Final Years of Elementary School. From the beginning, it is justified by a discursive approach and a second section seeks to demarcate the notions of hegemony, antagonism and translation. In the third section, attempts to signify new terms and multiliteracies in the BNCC are problematized, de-sedimenting discursive games through regulation and control over what is knowledgeable and subjection insinuates itself as necessary. Conclusively, signaling the reading that in the curricular policy for PL at BNCC, meanings for new and past multiliteracies are hegemonized in the fiction that it would be possible to foresee a future (understood in the context of the proposal as uncertain) and, then , preparer the subject. It considers that simply indicating the asymmetry of such a proposal in itself is not enough, it is important to stress the perspective that it is in the relationship with such meanings that the school tends to be seen as deficient and without quality. Thus, it is argued that the BNCC for LP projects the reading that a school is deficient and needs to be reformed by a national curriculum to be incapable of doing the impossible: producing subjects today for an unpredictable future.
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