amidst resistance and insistence
Pedagogy, Pedagogical rationality, EpistemologyAbstract
This article is based on the assumption that pedagogy is or should be reflective thinking about what occurs in educational practices; at the same time that it is, or should be, the critical thinking that elaborates, corrects and guides what should occur in educational practices; thus, it is considered here as a theoretical practice in the Althusserian perspective. This article is the result of meta-reflections on previous research, elaborated in the form of theoretical research and points to the reaffirmation of the eminently political character of this science, emphasizing that reflection and criticism are essential movements for the understanding of the educational phenomenon and that Consideration of these specificities has produced the exhaustion of pedagogical rationality, which can bring and has brought strong shakes to the possibilities of a critical and committed educational practice. It proposes the necessary resistance of educators to the social / political structure that removes the possibilities of building humanity in the educational process.
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