Educational policy., Curricular guidelines., University teaching staff., Visual arts.Abstract
This article addresses the general framework in which the training of visual arts teachers in Argentina takes place, focusing on the policies and curricular guidelines that regulate and guide teacher training in this particular domain. Specifically, an updated review of the normative curricular framework of visual arts teacher training at the undergraduate university level is proposed, in order to provide a state of the art on this curricular dimension and on the composition of the academic offer in the specific field. This state of the art will constitute, in itself, a contribution in the face of the scarce information on teacher training in the specific field and in the face of the dispersion of data and specific studies on this domain in the Argentine context. After presenting a general ordering of the curricular legislation, three cases will be examined (involving three curricular matrices for the training of visual arts teachers at the Argentine public university) that have recently involved reforms in their curricular structures. The cases were also selected because they correspond to the urban areas with the highest population concentration in the country. Their examination is carried out based on the current regulatory framework.
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