Education, Media, Body, Digital technologies, AgingAbstract
This paper discusses how digital technologies modify the social relations of an old age group, within the academic space and in daily life – based on the relationship between body, media and ageing. In the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), some students of the French Course of the Núcleo Integrado de Estudos e Pesquisas da Terceira Idade (NIETI –Integrated Center for Old Age Studies and Research) were taken up for study. One sought to understand their demands and complexities for a reframe, concerning to old age nowadays. As a methodological approach, semi-structured interviews and participant observation were used. Regarding to the theoretical framework, this study interacts with authors fromsociology, anthropology, communication and education, such as Campelo (1996), Buckingham (2010), Stepansky (2012), Martín Barbero (2014) and Longhi (2018). As a conclusion, digital technologies modify the social practices of the old age, and become pedagogies in the process of affective relationships, in yearnings for interaction with other groups, and in the search for belonging to an educational space.
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