“Amélia que era mulher de verdade”

construção e reconstrução de um estereótipo da figura feminina


  • Isaias de Oliveira Ehrich Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Maria Edileuza da Costa Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5669-0109






Current literary theories (also called postmodern) involve cultural studies, which embrace gender studies, among them, those focused on feminist criticism, especially from the second half of the twentieth century. In this work, we will transit through the studies of Badinter (1985; 1986), Showalter (1994), Holanda (1994), Butler (2003), Halls (2005), Jameson (2006), Bonnici (2007), Zinani (2011) . This article will discuss, based on the analysis of the lyrics of two songs, the process of construction and deconstruction of the stereotype of the female image portrayed in two popular Brazilian songs. The focus will be on the socio-historical discursive bias and we will not focus on issues of poetic structure. The chosen songs were “Ai que saudades da Amélia”, by Mario Lago and Ataulfo ​​Alves, released in 1942 and “Desconstruindo a Amélia”, by the singer Pitty, released in 2009. The study will not be comparative, but will analyze, in light, above all , from feminist critical studies, the construction of a stereotype of the female figure (in this case, the figure of “Amelia”) and the process of deconstructing this stereotype, seeking to show how such an image was reconstructed.


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How to Cite

EHRICH, I. de O.; COSTA, M. E. da . “Amélia que era mulher de verdade”: construção e reconstrução de um estereótipo da figura feminina. DLCV, João Pessoa, PB, v. 20, p. e024005, 2024. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2237-0900.2024v20.66045. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/dclv/article/view/66045. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

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