Variantes diatópicas e diastráticas na língua portuguesa do Brasil


  • Maria do Socorro Silva de Aragão


Linguistic variation, Learning of the portuguese language, Linguistic prejudice


This work tries to show that the description of the Portuguese language in its various
diatopic and diastratic variations, in the various levels of the linguistic analysis, from the phoneticalphonological
to the lexical, from morphosyntactical and to the semantical, is one of the most
important and urgent, in order to provide a true picture of the Portuguese language spoken in written
in our country. The prejudices and stigmas that surround these variations make them to be
considered wrong, with no prestige and therefore, avoided or even banished from the didactical
books and from classrooms. This, if transferred to Fundamental and Medium Teaching Schools,
from poor regions, with students of lower socio-economic-cultural levels, cause, in the great
majority of times, the so called “ linguistic traumas “ , once the language taught in the school could
be considered as a foreign language for the student. It is also discussed the theories that are the basis
the teaching/learning of languages and its possible solutions for the existing problems referring the
Portuguese Language.


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