The philosophy and the human subjectivity: events of the enunciation
Enunciação, subjetividade, filosofiaAbstract
The enunciation put on the dramas, comedies and the tragedies practiced by the man. It's a system that offers a range of infinite performing possibilities for users. In it, the subject shares their space with others, interacts with several speeches, takes over ownership of words (which stands in front of or is located) for the preparation of its text. As a social machinery, the event obeys the principles enunciative external agents that act as repressors, censure, in the name of an ethical ideal, gestures, postures, attitudes, designed by the society as inadequate. Every new social configuration, every new time that we gird and crosses, each new space that breaks out, different expedients of oppression and restraint are created in favor, according to Darwin, the permanence of species. Some considered necessary and "free" to cause us embarrassment, clearly manifest themselves, others, no less efficient, sometimes even more deterrents, are tacitly conveyed in the underlays say. The language, as a social filter, mediates the process. And the enunciation as a phenomenon that sees the relations between men, highlights the parts and movements of this phenomenon.
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