Où que tu sois, mon fils: problema de leitura em uma narrativa de Tahar Ben Jelloun em contexto de ensino-aprendizagem do FLE




FFL, literary reading, reading problem, evaluation


Research in the area of reading in French as a Foreign Language (FFL) is the subject of
significant production (SIMON & GROSSMANN, 2004), both from the theoretical perspective,
as to the process of meaning construction, and concerning the development of teaching/didactic
activities. However, there is a lack of studies focusing more specifically on the reader/learner
which aim at incorporating the "reader’s text" (ROUXEL & LANGLADE, 2004) in their
theoretical and applied developments. We present here research partial results on the activity of
literary reading in the context of teaching / learning of reading in FFL (French as a Foreign
Language) supported by Interpretive Verbalized Representations (DABÈNE, 1994), as a method
of data collection, and the notion of "reading problem" (DABÈNE & QUET, 1999), in order to
analyze the readings carried out in that context.


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TARDIF, Jacques. L’évaluation du savoir-lire: une question de compétence plutôt que de performance. In BOYER, Jean-Yves et al. (dir) Évaluer le savoir-lire. Montréal: Les Éditions Logiques, 1994.