A filosofia e a subjetividade humana: as vicissitudes da enunciação


  • Hermano de França RODRIGUES


enunciation, subjectivity, philosophy


Enunciation performs the dramas, comedies and tragedies practiced by man. It is a
system that offers a range of infinite performing possibilities for users. In it, the subject
shares his space with the other, interacts with several speeches, takes others’ discourses
(before which he both positions himself and gets positioned) as his own, for the
preparation of his text. As social machinery, the enunciating event obeys external
principles which function as repressive agents – by censuring, on behalf of an ideal
ethics, gestures, postures, attitudes, conceived by society as inadequate. Every new
social configuration, every new time that affects and crosses us, each new space that
breaks out, different expedients of oppression and restraint are created in favor,
according to Darwin, of the permanence of species. Some considered necessary and
"free" from causing us embarrassment, clearly manifest themselves; others, no less
efficient, sometimes even more intimidating, are tacitly conveyed in a mode of
underlying saying. Language, as a social filter, mediates the process. And enunciation
as a phenomenon that glimpses for the relations among men, highlights the pieces and
movements of this phenomenon.


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