Narrando a queda: temporalidade e trauma em um romance de Michel L:aub


  • Laura Assis Doutoranda (PUC-Rio). Supervisão: Prof. Dr. Karl Erik Schollhammer (PUC-Rio).


narrative, psychoanalysis, contemporaneity


Diário da queda’s plot, a 2011 novel by Michel Laub, is built on three generations of a Jewish family; three characters whose existences are defined by their traumatic pasts. These traumatic experiences are the motto of the narrative and influence directly on how the story is told, that is, in the discourse enunciation level and also on the chaining of the narrated events. Given that, the aim of this article is to investigate how the matter of trauma is related to the temporality on the book, acting on the narrative‟s episodic dimension and also motivating some determined and specific characteristics about the novel‟s language. This analysis is theoretically based on mostly the ideas related to narrative temporality put by Peter Brooks in Reading for the Plot (1984) and Paul Ricoeur in Time and narrative, in addition to the matter of trauma narration discussed by Márcio Seligmann-Silva (2003) and the traumatic realism proposed by Hal Foster (2005).


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Author Biography

Laura Assis, Doutoranda (PUC-Rio). Supervisão: Prof. Dr. Karl Erik Schollhammer (PUC-Rio).

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.


BROOKS, Peter. Reading for the Plot - Design and Intention in Narrative. New York: Random House, 1984. FOSTER, Hal. O retorno do real. Rio de Janeiro: Concinnitas, 2005.

LAUB, Michel. Diário da queda. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2011.

LEVI, Primo. É isto um homem?. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1988. RICOEUR, Paul. Tempo e narrativa. Tomo I. Campinas: Papirus, 1997

SELIGMANN-SILVA, Márcio. História, memória, literatura: o testemunho na era das catástrofes. São Paulo: Editora da Unicamp, 2003.

TORRES, Bolivar & LAUB, Michel. “Memória em cacos: conversa com Michel Laub”. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2013.

