Sir John Falstaff: gula e carnavalização em henrique IV


  • Elinês de A. V. e OLIVEIRA UFPB


Shakespeare, Falstaff, Hyperbolization, Bakhtin, Carnavalization


This paper will analyze the hyperbolization of food imagery as one of the elements responsible for the process of carnivalization in the play Henry IV ( Part I and II) written by William Shakespeare. The focus of the analysis will be on the character Sir John Falstaff for considering him as the best representation of the hyperbolic relationship between the material and the corporal, both for his physical obesity as for his employment of the language full of images related to the acts of eat and drink. The analysis will be based on the carnivalization theory, postulated by Mikhail Bakhtin(1996); on the study concerning the shakesperian imagery, developed by Spurgeon (2006) and, finally, on Fitzpatric´s work (2007) which investigates the theme of food inside Shakespeare´s plays.


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FITZPATRICK, Joan. Food in Shakespeare: early moderns dietaries and the plays. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 106p.

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