Tvgramas: da poesia e de suas máquinas nômades


  • Luciano Barbosa JUSTINO UEPB


Semiotics, Poetry, Augusto de Campos


My objective with this paper is to make a reading of Augusto de Campos’ “Tvgrama I (tombeau de Mallarmé)”, based on his intersemiotical and intercultural dialogue with the Poe/Mallarmé tradition, as well as with this work’s translation to video by Cristina Fonseca, in 1996. This is an essay about tombs and rebirths, translation, hybridization, and anthropophagi. “Tvgrama I” inserts Mallarmé and Poe in a space mediated by television and video. I try to show, then, the great gains and losses in between Cristina Fonseca’s translation and Augusto de Campos’ poem, and also how those irreducible differences stand out as each medium “expands” (McLuhan) certain aspects and atrophies others: poetry, writing, TV, video. I want to Understand both points that are risen by Campos’s poem, which is concrete under many aspects by the conscience of the ages’ specificity and theirs inscription supports as an uninterrupted dialogue with the tradition and potentialities of future, as well as belonging and differentiation dynamics.


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