“Vice-versa: relações interculturais na prática” – um projeto interinstitucional na área de tradução entre universidades brasileiras e alemãs


  • Ebal Sant' Anna BOLACIO FILHO UERJ
  • Magali dos Santos MOURA UERJ


German Language, Portuguese Language, Literary Translation, Intercultural Studies


The professors and researchers Magali dos Santos Moura (UERJ) and Ebal Sant’Anna Bolacio Filho (UERJ), in partnership with professors and researchers from two German Universities (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Universität zu Köln), together with students from the UERJ, present the trajectory and first results of the project “Vice-versa: intercultural relations in practice”, whose aim is to increase intercultural awareness. The project shows how translation can help to train a professional capable of creating hybrid spaces in which the target language an culture, German in the present case, is always contrasted with the cultural substrate of those who learn it. The Brazilian participants of the project work on the translation of the German Legends collected by the Grimm Brothers into portuguese.


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