Telas, teletelas e filmes sensíveis


  • Carolina Figueiredo


Cinema, Cultural Industry, dystopia


This article is about the images of the cinema in 1984 and Brave New World and about how those images are related to the historical systems that inspired theirs authors to produce them. Once we establish these parallels we are guided to reflect about the cinema’s role as ideological tool, trough the Cultural Industry concept, and how it applies to the case of the cinema represented in such dystopias.


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BENJAMIN, Walter. Magia e técnica, arte e política. Obras escolhidas vol. I. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1985.

HUXLEY, Aldous. Admirável Mundo Novo. Abril: São Paulo, 1981.

ORWELL, George. 1984. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 2007.

