Excess, coprophagy and podolatry in Glauco Mattoso’s lyrical poetry
Brazilian poetry., Glauco Mattoso, Excess, Coprophagy, PodolatryAbstract
This paper studies the literary project of “coprophagic poetry” by Brazilian poet Glauco Mattoso, in which themes as homosexuality, podolatry and sadomasochism are constant. Mattoso’s poetry allow us to undertake a discussion about the conservatism, the contradictions, the deletion and the violence practiced by the bourgeois project of domination of human bodies and desires that are different from the heterosexual view, which, historically, and by its nature, is conceived as an operation management of the capitalist structure. Glauco Mattoso, as a contemporary poet, shifts our perspective to the obscurities and gaps that operate in the existential game of marginalized subjects. Therefore, what is here evaluated is the way in which the poet's literary language is arranged in order to enunciate a poetically engaged discourse.The research started from the intersection between the lyrical and the empirical persona of Mattoso in order to argument a poetics of excess supported, mainly, by the structuralist reading of Severo Sarduy (1979) in the essay “For an Ethics of Waste”. Important displacements, circularity, and parodic excess were the predominant expressive resources used. The heteronormative approach given to social and cultural life enables us to attest that the poetry of Glauco Mattoso manages literary tools that destabilize sociocultural structures by selecting what is considered abject for his performance.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ricardo Alves dos Santos Santos, Fábio Figueiredo Camargo
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