Literature of the oral tradition; storytelling; literary reader training; teaching practices; sociointeracionism.Abstract
In this paper, we present the results and analysis of a research with a group of teachers and high school students in the city of Tapiramutá/Bahia. With it, we aimed to understand the contributions of storytelling activities performed by traditional storytellers, guided by the socialinteractionist perspective of language, for the formation of literary readers, based on the following questions: how can literature of the oral tradition enable the proposition of teaching practices based on the socialinteractionist perspective? What are the contributions of storytelling to the formation of literary readers? We start from the understanding of the importance of including oral tradition literature in the curriculum as teaching content, from a socialinteractionist perspective, aiming at making public and visible the culture of the speakers of a given discourse community, narrated from oral genres. The methodology is qualitative in nature, under the foundations of action research, through proposed activities involving a collaborative network that jointly planned and developed activities composed of the promotion of didactic sequences and reading activities, interpretation, illustration, and re-reading of literary texts from the oral tradition. We took as our theoretical path the perspectives of Marcuschi (2008; 2010), Bakhtin (2007; 2015; 2017) and Gumperz (1982). We verified that the literary reading activities and practices developed followed methodologies guided by the reflection of the concrete historical, social and cultural contexts of the students and were based on the following perspectives: in the social interactionist theory, in the BNCC - Common National Curricular Base - and in literary literacy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marineide Cavalcanti Arruda, Nádia Barros de Araújo, André Luís de Araújo, Ana Paula Torres de Queiroz

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