


Plurilingualism, children's and youth literature, illustrative book, reader formation, literary adaptations in cordel


This paper presents an investigation on how verbal and visual language interplay in Alice in Wonderland in Cordel, by the poet João Gomes de Sá. It may grow into another incentive for literary reading in the classroom, observing the functions performed by images and how this knowledge can enrich reader's understanding of the book. The research draws on studies by Bakhtin (2002), reviewed by Marques (2011), to discuss issues related to plurilingualism. It also draws on Nikolajeva and Scott (2011) and Dondis (2015) to discuss issues related to reading images and words. Furthermore, Camargo (1982) and Linden (2018) are used to discuss issues related to illustrations in children's books. And, finally, Lima (2021) and Souza (2022) are used to discuss issues related to adaptations of world and Brazilian literature classics to contemporary children's cordel literature. The research is justified by the need to bring meaningful literary reading proposals to the classroom. It is particularly relevant for revealing how different languages connect and complement each other in this contemporary book that takes up a great world children's literature classic through the transformation of prose into Cordel verses. It also serves as a reaffirmation of Cordel Literature as a strong form of expression of Northeastern culture, which innovates and renews itself, remaining alive and expanding its readership as it enters school walls.


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Author Biography

Vera Lucia Oliveira Cardoso Galdino, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Letras - Português/ Inglês


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