Fantasy Literature. Irony. Socio-historical reality. Dictatorship. José J. Veiga.Abstract
This paper aims to study fantastic literature and irony in the work Sombras de Reis Barbudos (1972), by José J. Veiga, and its implication for the writing of contemporary Brazilian fiction in the period of the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). We start from the conception of contemporary Fantastic (ROAS, 2014), to establish the relationship between the socio-historical and fictional realities of fantastic worlds. Then, using the fantastic/absurd resources, we investigate Veiga’s narrative, pointing out how the narrator and character seek to deconstruct the neorealist verisimilitude, Finally, through the conceptualization of irony, we show the negation of the meanings present in this satire on the military regime and the Ideological State Apparatuses, pointing out how the reading of a work of fiction reveals a relationship between historical reality, fiction, and allegory. Our theoretical background is based on the studies of Roas (2014) and Gemes (2022) regarding Fantastic Literature and veigueana works; Dalcastagnè (1996), Santiago (2002), Silverman (1995) and Althusser (1998), regarding post-1964 literature and the ideological and repressive apparatuses; and Hutcheon (2000), among others, regarding irony.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Manfred Rommel Pontes Viana Mourão, Maria de Jesus Castro de Oliveira
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